5 Facts About Nikyu Nikyu No Mi One Piece! Bartholomew Kuma'S Devil Fruit

Nikyu Nikyu no Mi is one of the Devil Fruits in One Piece. Kuma can use it amazingly. What are the facts about Nikyu Nikyu no Mi One Piece? Check it out below! Paramecia-type Devil Fruit There are three types of Devil Fruits in One Piece namely Logia, Paramecia, and Zoan. Nikyu Nikyu no Mi is a One Piece Devil Fruit of the Paramecia type. The eater is Bartholomew Kuma The Nikyu Nikyu no Mi eater is Bartholomew Kuma. For now, it is not known who has used this fruit's power before Kuma. Read Also : 7 Facts About Seraphim One Piece The power of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi Nikyu Nikyu no Mi gives Kuma the ability to push away anything he touches. Kuma can use this ability to attack, as well as to defend. In chapter 484, he was able to use his powers to counter Zoro's Sanjuroku Pound Ho attack, demonstrating the defensive abilities of the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. In that chapter he can also push air at high speed, so he can hurt Franky. The power of this air boost attack is extraordinary, becau...