10 Great Pirates in One Piece Whose Bounties Haven't Been Revealed!

10 Great Pirates in One Piece Whose Bounties Haven't Been Revealed!

Many pirates in One Piece whose bounties are revealed as the story progresses. Currently, all Yonkou bounties have been revealed. On this occasion, the writer would like to discuss about a big pirate in One Piece whose bounty has not been revealed until the time this article was written. Check out the discussion below!

1. Benn Beckman

Benn Beckman was Shanks' first crew member who was also his 'right hand'. Not much is known about its power. What is clear is that he is on the same level as the other Yonkou's 'right hand'. Benn also has a bounty, although so far it has not been stated.

He also has a very high IQ, making him the smartest person in East Blue. Benn is also feared by Admiral Kizaru, as we saw at Marineford. We can assume that his combat power is very high.

2. Yasopp

As one of the best snipers, of course Yasopp has strengths that cannot be underestimated. He has been part of the Red Hair Pirates for 20 years.

When he met young Luffy, Yasopp was already known as a great marksman. Yasopp showed his skills to Luffy by shooting apples from a considerable distance.

In fact, he admits that he can do even crazier things, namely shooting ant antennas from a distance of 100 feet. Yasopp also explained that when he shot the ant antenna, he could do it without injuring other parts of the body. As of now, his bounty is still unknown.

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3. Lucky Roux

Many fans suspect that Lucky Roux's powers are related to teleportation. There are two scenes that show this. First, when he shot at the mountain bandits. Unnoticed by anyone, Lucky Roux was already next to the bandit and immediately shot him. Even so, he didn't move from his place.

Second, when Shanks came to Marineford. Shanks, who had just kicked Kaido out, was able to arrive at Marineford in a relatively short time. Most likely this was due to Lucky Roux's teleportation abilities. Until now, his bounty is still a mystery.

4. Monkey D. Dragon

Dragon is the world's most wanted fugitive who is also the leader of the Revolutionary Army. The group fights to stop the World Government's evil intentions from continuing to oppress the common people.

Currently, Dragon's strength is completely unknown, but there has been much speculation that he is one of the strongest One Piece characters. The Navy also stated that he is a criminal with the highest bounty whose value has not been disclosed until now.

5. Scopper Gaban

Gaban is one of Roger's crew who accompanied him to Raftel and found One Piece. In the Straw Hats, Gaban might be like Sanji, while Rayleigh is like Zoro. This man with two axes is most likely still alive somewhere. Gaban's bounty has never been revealed so far.

6. Aokiji

This former Marine Admiral decided to become a pirate after losing to Akainu in a battle for the position of Fleet Admiral. He mastered the ability of the Hie Hie no Mi which made him an ice man.

Seeing his abilities, Aokiji's bounty should be at the level of a Shichibukai or even a Yonkou commander.

7. Silver Rayleigh

Rayleigh is the first crew of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. He is proficient in all three types of Haki and may also be the one who taught Shanks how to awaken Haki. Just imagine, Shanks who respects him has a bounty of more than 4 billion Belly.

Rayleigh should have had a bounty close to Roger's. Unfortunately, until now Rayleigh's bounty has not been revealed.

8. Kozuki Oden

Before becoming the Shogun of Wano, Oden was a crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates who later moved to become a crew of the Roger Pirates. Everyone who has been on the Pirate King's ship is not ordinary. Even someone who looks weak like Buggy can have a bounty like that.

Oden should have a bounty of over 1 billion Belly. The Marines should have decided on Oden's bounty before he was killed.

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9. Shiki

Shiki is a former crew member of Rocks D. Xebec who is also the main antagonist in the film One Piece Strong World. He ate the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi which allows him to control gravity according to his will.

He is also the first person to escape Impel Down in history after cutting off both of his legs. Even so, Oda has never revealed Shiki's bounty until now.

10. Rocks D. Xebec

Rocks is the most feared pirate before the world entered the pirate era. He has ambitions to become the King of the World. Several big pirates such as Kaido, Big Mom, and Shirohige used to be his crew.

His abilities were never revealed, as well as his bounty. It would be very interesting if Oda made a One Piece movie that tells about Rocks D. Xebec.


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